Commercial Auto Liability

Commercial Auto liability (CAL) for commercial trucking risks (and similar transportation risks) continues to present challenges to markets that fail to understand trucking. Increasing plaintiff awards and years of underpriced business have led many insurers away from this class. With disciplined underwriting, proper risk selection, and proper pricing we believe we can maintain market stability for years to come. We believe in simplicity while serving the industry with the proper coverage forms and endorsements. With the use of the ISO Motor Carrier Coverage Form along with industry-specific manuscript endorsements, you can be sure your customers have the best in the industry.

Key Highlights:

  • • Fleet size: 25+ revenue units
    • Ineligible states: CT, KY, MA, NH, NV, NY, RI, VT, WV
    • Non-admitted paper (admitted paper coming soon)
    • Primary auto liability limits: $1,000,000 CSL (higher      limits may be available)
    • Guaranteed cost structure and loss-sensitive   structures
    • Coverage forms: ISO Motor Carrier Coverage Form, with limited manuscript coverages
    • Composite-rated structure (typically symbol 61)
    • Mileage and unit rating bases
    • Radius: No restrictions
    • Financing available
    • Driver minimum  standards are applicable
    • Excluded classes/commodities: household goods, hazmat, sand & gravel, liquid bulk,
    explosives, livestock
    • Excluded operations: significant brokerage operations, poor driver controls, poor safety


Submission Requirements:

• 30-day minimum submission lead time
• RISE Underwriters trucking application or equivalent specialty trucking application
• No ACORD applications
• Recently valued loss runs for the past five years
• Most recent four quarters of IFTA reports or ELD mileage reports
• Most recent financial statements, including income statement and balance sheet
• MS Excel vehicle list
• MS Excel driver list
• MVRs
• Driver hiring/training manual and any other safety material